Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Now Available - Revamped Pathology Anki Deck

It's been a long time coming. Thanks for being patient. I wanted to make the improved Pathology deck as good as possible.

You can purchase the deck here (this is the same link as in the top corner "DrWillBe Pathology Deck")

Thank you for encouraging me to improve on this deck. I hope it's useful to you in your studies. Please share your experience through the 'Contact' page or in the new DrWillBe Forum

Happy Studying!

Also, look out for a whole bunch of new posts in the coming weeks.


  1. It's finally done! Thank You for all your wonderful work. I hope as many students can take advantage of this great deck!

  2. Hello
    I am wondering if the pathology deck contain Histology ??

  3. also do we need to study the internal medicine deck (2504 cards) for the step 1 ???? or it is only for step 2 CK?


    1. David,

      Hi. Th deck contains some histopath as is relevant to step 1 stuff, but its not a full histo deck. Also, the internal md deck is for clerkships and 2ck, not step 1

  4. Hey Dr. WillBe I love your stuff, great work, really. My question is about the microbio media folder that was corrupted last year. Were they ever recovered or redone by someone, or were you able to find someone that had downloaded it before it was corrupted? Or is there a new one for Anki 2.0? Just let me know when you can, thanks! Sorry if the answer is somewhere else on the site and i just failed to find it. Also, have you seen the medmaster website and blog? If you haven't I think you would appreciate it (its from the guy that started the made ridiculously simple series)
